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.Hansel & Gretel Book Review.

Hansel and Gretel - Neil Gaiman, Lorenzo Mattotti

This review can also be found at MissKatiEllen & Goodreads.


After hearing about The Sleeper and the Spindle (review HERE) I was so excited when I heard Hansel and Gretal was also on its way, plus Gaiman had teamed up with a different illustrator. I don’t want to say I was disappointed, because I did enjoy the book, but it wasn’t what I was expecting.


First the story, I thought like The Sleeper and the Spindle it would be a bit different, but it was basically the same story, what I did like was the inclusion of the stories history; a nice touch. But in the end I  guess I was expecting more, I feel the only way you could change the story up a bit would be, like the other book, introducing a  character from another fairy tale.


Don’t get me wrong I really did love Lorenzo Mattotti’s illustrations, but I’m not used to the lack of detail. For their journey into the forest I felt it worked well; gave the illusion of the enclosing forest. Darkness creeping in. I feel like the detailing was need most when it came to the witches cottage. Again, this is down to personal preference.


All in all this is a classic with beautiful and different illustrations, and as always Gaiman is a wonderful story teller; so it doesn’t feel like you’re reading the same old story. That’s it for today, as always I’d love to hear your thought too, don’t forget you can share the love but liking this post and following if you’d like. Until next time.heart
Happy reading.